A powerful way to close the intense physical and emotional upheaval of pregnancy and birth in a woman’s body.
This intimate wrap ritual is traditionally performed on mothers to close the 40 days postpartum period. The Rebozo ceremony is also often referred to as ‘Closing the bones ritual’. As the name reveals already it is a literal way to seal the bones that have become wider and more flexible, especially in the hips, during pregnancy and birth.
Which not only creates a less toned pelvic floor, it also has an influence on your emotional state which is often more sensitive and quickly influenced by your environment.
This ritual reconnects you to your core, it strengthens your alignment and gives you back your sense of Self.
This ceremony calls upon the 4 elements, water, earth, air and fire. A postpartum woman should stay warm at all times so that the healing property of heat can be integrated.
The steps included in the Rebozo Ritual, as we perform it, find its origin in Mexican culture. But the ceremonial wrapping of the postpartum woman can be found back in many cultures. The fundamental steps are:
Herbal bath/temascal
Resting and sweating
Benefits include:
Releasing toxins and emotions through sweating
Closing the body physically and energetically post-birth
Helping the mother relax and feel more comfortable in her body post-birth.
Honours and celebrates this special rite of passage from woman to mother
What to expect:
The ceremony preferably takes place in the privacy of your own home and is done by two people, me and Milagros.
You will receive a full body massage with herb infused oil
You will step into a hot herbal bath
Followed by resting under warm, heavy blankets to sweat and release toxins
You will finish with the wrapping ceremony, tiding and closing the body with Rebozo’s on 7 body points from head to toe.
Session duration is around 4 hours.
Recommended for mothers who have finished bleeding following birth.